Call for Trainers 

Training course “For Mentors of volunteers”


V for Volunteers (V4V) is a KA3 project aiming to empower youth workers, youth organizations and support staff experienced in the volunteerism field, to develop competencies related to promotion, implementation and mainstreaming of volunteer projects; as well as to contribute to the decision-making process shaping the voluntary youth work across Europe via cooperation with local, regional and international authorities.

The project lasts 36 months divided into three main phases: 1) holistic approach to discover the role of volunteering in developing civic consciousness; 2) exchange of good practices, knowledge and skills among partners and development of new methodologies; 3) open forum methodology to establish policy recommendations regarding to the framework of voluntary projects with local, national and European authorities.

The project consists of research, exchange of good practices and innovations, training on mentoring and coordinating volunteers as well as policy recommendation paper.

For the next phase, USB is searching for two trainers for leading the upcoming training course “For Mentors of volunteers“, hosted by the Polish organization Autokreacja. The mobility lats six days, from 13th to 18th July 2020  (12th and 19th travel days), involving 15 participants, and aims to build mentors capacity to support volunteers, help them to discover their skills and interest. The training course will use the best practices identified through the previous process, and participants will have as a goal also to brainstorm for policy recommendations.

Requested trainer profile

The suitable candidates should be:

  • Experience with training for mentors for volunteering programs
  • Able to work as an individual and in a team
  • Open-mind and easily to adapt to a different environment
  • Experienced with no-formal education and learning for transmitting competencies necessary to support volunteers
  • Available for the entire period of the training course + for the preparation and supporting participants in the period after the mobility
  • Excellent level of English

Working conditions

Trainers will receive 150 euros per days (150*6 days= 900 euros). Of course, travel/for accommodation will be covered.

Team composition

In the activity will participate:

Two trainers to lead the training course;

Two coordinators (one from USB) to guarantee the correct implemantation of the activities;

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than: 20/03/2020
How to apply:

The interested candidate should send their CV (preferred in Europass format) plus a motivation letter to the attention of the project manager Luiza Tsikala.

The selected candidates will be contacted some of them for a personal interview.

You will be informed about the selection by: 03/04/2020


Contact Person: Luiza Tsikala, Project Manager
Phone: +302310215629