European Youth Work Agenda

A strategic framework for strengthening and further developing youth work

The European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) aims to boost youth work. Established as a strategic framework, it intends to strengthen and further develop youth work practice and policies in Europe. The German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth took on the task of establishing the EYWA. The task comes from the European Union and the Council of Europe. And the whole youth work community of practice in Europe is invited and encouraged to shape and take action for youth work development within this common framework. In this respect, an important feature of the Agenda is the co-ordinated approach of stakeholders at different levels and in different areas of youth work.

The 3rd European Youth Work Convention (EYWC) was a crucial moment for discussing the assessment of the challenges faced by the youth work sector among its community of practice and how to address them. In its capacity as a strategic framework, the European Youth Work Agenda can bring the debate to political attention.

Δείτε εδώ την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα | Learn more about the European Youth Work AgendaHERE

Download relevant resources

Final Declarationof the 3rd European Youth Work Convention Bonn, 10 December 2020
Growing Youth Work across Europe: Inspirational Paper for Making the European Youth Work Agenda Happen

The Bonn Process

The Bonn Process is the joint effort to put the European Youth Work Agenda into action and make it real. To strengthen and further develop youth work throughout Europe, the Bonn Process wants to align the commitment of the different stakeholders of the youth work community of practice. It aspires to facilitate connections and co-operation within and between all levels of the community, a more strategic and co-ordinated approach, and improved framework conditions for youth work.

To achieve these aims, the Bonn Process follows several principles: it is self-empowering; appreciative and needs-based; co-ordinated; Europe-wide; at all levels and cross-level; subsidiary; locally anchored; and long-term and open.

To put the Agenda into Action, the Bonn Process develops priorities and strategies, plans measures, and implements activities at all levels and in all areas of youth work. A co-ordinated approach of the different stakeholders is important to engage hand-in-hand and in a strategic way. Monitoring and evaluation, further development and planning ahead are regular elements of the Bonn Process.

The Bonn Process happens at all levels. At European level, it takes place under the umbrella of both European strategies in the field of youth. The funding instruments of the EU and of the Council of Europe are open for beneficiaries to use for activities in the Bonn Process. At national level, member States are encouraged to identify or establish national processes to link the working field with the Bonn Process.

The Bonn Process is about growing youth work throughout Europe. To do this, it tackles several priority areas: develop and expand the youth work offer; quality development; a common direction for the youth work community of practice; beyond the youth work community of practice; promotion and recognition; innovation and emerging challenges; policy frameworks; and a strategic framework for youth work development. The whole youth work community of practice in Europe with their different mandates, roles, and capacities is invited and encouraged to contribute to the development of youth work in the Bonn Process.