The Socio-economic Scope of Youth Work in Europe // Final Report
Study commissioned by thepartnership between the EuropeanCommission and the Council ofEurope in the field of Youth andconducted by the Institute forSocial Work and Social Education PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION […]
The contribution of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters
A practical toolbox for youth workers and recommendations for policymakers Results of the expert group set up under the European Union work plan for youth for 2016-2018 EUROPEAN COMMISSION […]
European Youth Work Convention 2015 -Background paper for Theme 5: How can youth work secure recognition (beyond the youth field) for both its distinctive and collaborative practice and contribution to the lives of young people and the communities in which they live?
Briefing note -theme 5 By Dora Giannaki ?ΚΑΤΕΒΑΣΤΕ ΑΥΤΗ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ
The history of youth work in Europe – Relevance for today’s youth work policy
Volume 4 Edited by Marti Taru, Filip Coussée and Howard Williamson Council of Europe Publishing ?ΚΑΤΕΒΑΣΤΕ ΑΥΤΗ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ
THINKING SERIOUSLY ABOUT YOUTH WORK And how to prepare people to do it
Editors Hanjo Schild Nuala Connolly Francine Labadie Jan Vanhee Howard Williamson Youth Knowledge # 20 Council of Europe and European Commission ? ΚΑΤΕΒΑΣΤΕ ΑΥΤΗΝ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ